11th space 2021 ideathon
Thursday, 14 Oct 2021
11:00 - 17:30
11th Space presents our very first Ideathon.
1th Space presents our very first Ideathon, the easiest path to developing your dream business has been laid down for you and is one registration away!
Whatever subject you are studying, it gives you the opportunity to find your cofounders, develop an idea, have it evaluated, and win an NCubation scholarship! This is also an opportunity to develop your CV and boost your employability.
No prior experiences are needed to enter the Ideathon, come as you are! The only requirements are open-mindedness, creativity, and enthusiasm.
The Ideathon is the one-time opportunity to enter 11th Space’s NCubation program with a scholarship. With NCubation, developing your startup can be as easy as snapping your fingers
(not to make half of everything disappear…).

Register via tinyurl.com/11thSpaceIdeathon
1st place – $2500 Scholarship into NCubation Program
2nd place – Gift card of value $200 and exclusive consultation with 11th Space professionals
3rd place – Gift card of value $150 and exclusive consultation with 11th Space professionals